KSIgune participates in various international initiatives that help to open up avenues of collaboration for the Basque cultural and creative ecosystem in the field of Higher Education and Research.
The Euroregional Green Audiovisual Hub (EGAH) is led by the KSIgune Cluster of Higher Education and Research for the Cultural and Creative Industries of the Basque Country, in collaboration with the Audiovisual Cluster of Navarre - CLAVNA, and Pôle Image Magelis.
EGAH is a project to connect the entire value chain of the audiovisual sector, through the networking of three agglutinative ecosystems that represent the interests of the sector in the territories of New Aquitaine, Basque Country and Navarre.
The project has been selected in the "Euroregional Innovation 2023" call of the Euroregion - NAEN, to contribute to the strengthening of the Euroregional business fabric.

In 2024 KSIgune and its ecosystem have been selected to be part of the Regional Skills Partnerhips, with the aim of supporting the training of transformative talent in the Basque Country, with a special focus on re-skilling and up-skilling for the digital era.
This milestone complements the participation of the cluster KSIgune within the Cultural and Creative Industries Strategy Group of the European Pact of Skills since 2023.
Joining a community of more than 100 European organisations and in coordination with the European Commission, KSIgune will contribute to promote a learning ecosystem that is relevant, accessible and affordable for professionals in the cultural and creative sector throughout their careers.

Associate partner
EIT Culture & Creativity
In 2022 the European Institute of Innovation and Technology created EIT Culture and Creativity, the ninth Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), with the aim of strengthening and transforming Europe's Cultural and Creative Industries Sectors, and connecting professionals and organisations to the largest European innovation network.
The initiative is led by the start-up ICE- Innovation by Creative Economy, which brings together 50 partners from 20 countries to create new innovation opportunities for the entire sector.

Creativity World Forum 2024
The Creativity World Forum is the umbrella event on creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship that annually brings together the agents of the Cultural and Creative Industries sector to co-create joint responses to the global challenges of the sector.
In 2024, the event was organised in the Basque Country by the Ministry of Culture and Language Policy of the Basque Government, in collaboration with the Districts of Creativity Network (DC Network). The chosen theme was "Cultural and Creative Ecosystems: Models of governance and innovation".
KSIgune was the coordinator entity of the Education in CCIs thematic area and alongside Traveling U, they have driven the sixth edition of the DC Living Lab programme.

Working group Facilitator
CCIs & Innovation Contrast
The CONTRAST: CCIs & INNOVATION project consists of the exchange of good practices, in order to obtain knowledge that allows the development of policies and initiatives to support innovation in the cultural and creative sector (CCS), favouring the development of indicators and the application of international frameworks at regional level.
It is led by the Department of Culture and Language Policy of the Basque Government, with the participation of local actors and international agents.

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