
Subject work


Arantxa González de Heredia


Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, Mondragon Unibertsitatea


Goi Solutions




The ageing population and its diversity require us to implement and create accessible products and services that respond to people's real needs. Nowadays, many products and services exclude a large part of society, and are far from responding to the real needs felt and valued by the elderly and people with disabilities.

The aim of this project is to collaborate with different companies in the area, raising awareness of the importance of designing more inclusive products and services. Working together with Goi Solutions and Elkartu (coordinating federation of people with physical disabilities in Gipuzkoa), to generate digital tools for Inclusive Design and improve some of the products and services offered by companies to the population. Always putting the user at the centre, identifying real needs and improving their experience as users or customers.

This is a project where, through the practice of People-Centred Design, a key discipline in the field of the creative economy and applying specific tools of Inclusive Design, the aim is to improve the products and services offered by nearby companies so that they are accessible to all people. First of all, it will be necessary to identify the company with which to collaborate in order to improve the product or service it offers. Once the collaboration has been achieved, the needs and desires of the users will be identified, in order to identify to what extent these products/services generate value, i.e. they respond to the needs that are relevant to people. Inclusive design tools such as the INKLUGI tool will be used to identify the degree of exclusion of products and services.
This tool will help the student to identify the most critical points and assess the necessary changes. Material will also be generated to update the INKLUGI tool with the most recent data available.


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KSIgune conexion formación
KSIgune conexion formación